Appearance of the first set of teeth in a baby is known as teething. It usually occurs anywhere between 3 to 12 months. However, teething symptoms generally commence within 3 months, even before the growth of a tooth. Irritability, mild fever, and teething rash are some of the common symptoms of teething. Can teething cause… Continue reading Teething Rash
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Eubacteria Kingdom Characteristics
Discovered in 1982, the eubacteria kingdom is a class of microorganisms which form one of the 6 kingdoms into which the living world is categorized. It occurs on all surfaces, living and non-living, and hence is also called true bacteria. The organisms are prokaryotic cells without a nucleus. The kingdom is comprised of about 5000… Continue reading Eubacteria Kingdom Characteristics
What is the function of Cartilage?
Cartilage is a flexible but stiff connective tissue occurring in varied body parts like the ear, joints, etc. It is not as firm or hard as bones, nor as flexible or supple as muscles. Cartilage consist of extracellular matrix made of ground matter containing elastin fibers and proteoglycan as well as collagen fibers. The 3… Continue reading What is the function of Cartilage?
Body Temperature Regulation
Mammals are warm blood animals and can regulate the body temperature as per changes in the temperature of the surrounding environment. This process of keeping the body temperature steady at a certain level is called thermoregulation. Disruptions in the process can result in health problems. Homeostasis and thermoregulation are interrelated. The body creates hear via… Continue reading Body Temperature Regulation