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Cold Sore or Pimple – How to Identify Them?

When you have a pimple and cold sore on your lip, you may see that they look the same. A pimple and cold sore can both be uncomfortable; however, there are differences between the two. In this article, we look at what cold sores are and what pimples are, and the inherent differences between the two so that you can be able to distinguish them.  


What are Cold Sores?


Also referred to as fever blisters, cold sores are some tiny blisters filled with fluid that in most cases form in a cluster, you will see them forming at edge of the bottom lip.


Even before cold sore blisters appear, an individual may feel itching, tingling, or a burning sensation within the area. The blisters later pop to form a crust before they go away. It takes about 2 to 4 weeks before the cold sores heal. Cold sores are mainly caused by a viral infection arising from herpes simplex virus (HSV). Oral cold sores are typically caused by HSV-1 while genital sores are caused by HSV-2.


Something to mention here is; both strains are able to cause sores in either locations if an individual is exposed to them. Herpes virus is quite contagious and can easily spread through skin-to-skin contact. People can contract the virus if they kiss, indulge in oral sex, share razors and towels or share eating utensils.


People may spread the virus even when they do not show symptoms, however, it is more contagious when the cold sore is noticeable or when there is an outbreak. Again, not all the people who carry HSV-1 will have cold sores develop. An individual may get cold sores following their initial infection, but in rest of time, the virus stays hidden in the body in a dormant state throughout your lifetime. There are people who experience regular cold sore outbreaks after a trigger such as:

  • Bruise or injury
  • Sun exposure
  • Illness or fever
  • Menstruation
  • Stress
  • Immune system deficiency
  • Lack of sleep



Treating Cold Sores


Although cold sores go away without needing treatment, there are ways you may be able to speed up the healing. Typically, it will take up to four weeks for the sores to disappear, however a doctor may prescribe a patient of antiviral medications. An individual may take the antivirals in form of a pill or apply them as an ointment or cream. The medication taken in pill-form can help to narrow the outbreak time while applying ointments and creams helps to reduce the symptoms. Some of the antiviral pills you can use include:

  • valacyclovir
  • acyclovir
  • famciclovir


A patient may use ointments to treat the symptoms and these include:

  • Docosanol
  • Acyclovir
  • Penciclovir


You may also use home remedies to manage the symptoms of cold sores and these include:

  • Cold compresses
  • Keeping the lips protected from direct sunlight
  • Using OTC creams like benzocaine or lidocaine to relief pain



What’s a Pimple?


When you talk of a pimple, it is a small, tender red bump having a black tip, a white tip, or without any tip at all. You may have pimples forming on the face, for example on your lips. However, they can form anywhere on the body.


The main cause for pimples is follicles that are clogged with sebum oil or dead skin cells. To help in adding moisture to the skin and hair, sebum oil move through hair follicles, however, if the sebum is in large amounts and there is dead skin cells that have build up, it could cause clogging of the pores. This results in growth of bacteria, which in turn causes pimples to develop.


You want to avoid things that could worsen your pimples, for example, popping the pimples.

  • Having stress may worsen or contribute to pimples
  • Taking medications like corticosteroids may make the pimples to worsen
  • Makeup that isn’t removed properly at night could clog pores
  • Hormonal changes in women, especially at time of pregnancy and menstruation may trigger pimples. Hormonal changes witnessed during puberty may also trigger pimples.



Treating Pimples


If you have mild to moderate acne, you may use OTC creams and soaps along with regular home care. You want to:

  • Wash the face using mild soap, at least twice in a day
  • Wash the hair whenever it feels oily – long hair touching the face may result in pimples
  • Avoid clogging of pores by using oil-free sunscreen
  • Before going to bed, you remove makeup
  • Avoid using greasy makeup and instead consider water-based products
  • Makeup products such as lotions and creams containing zinc can help reduce pimples
  • You can use tea tree oil in form of a wash or a gel to reduce pimples.



So, Is It A Pimple or A Cold Sore?

To easily identify and treat cold sore and pimples, you need to know what causes them and how they appear. Pimples are mainly caused by a bacterial infection while cold sores are caused by a viral infection. Pimples may have white or black head but cold sores have blisters that burst open and ooze fluid.  The first sign of a pimple is the small lump that feels just under the skin. Cold sores are often centered on lips but pimples can be anywhere on the face too.


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