Tailbone pain during pregnancy refers to dull or sharp pain which occurs at the end section of the spine, just between the upper buttocks in the lower back. Sometimes described as a ‘bruised tailbone,’ tailbone pain can occasionally be very intense. Increased pressure exerted by the growing baby and expanding uterus on the tailbone causes… Continue reading Tailbone Pain during Pregnancy
Rib Pain during Pregnancy
Pregnancy is characterized by a variety of symptoms, including morning sickness, fatigue, nausea, food aversions and cravings, breast tenderness, backache, headache, frequent urination, and rib pain. Rib pain is especially evident during the last trimester of pregnancy; it can be medium, dull, or sharp pain. Causes Some of the common causes of rib pain during… Continue reading Rib Pain during Pregnancy
Dull Pain Under Right Rib Cage
The abdominal cavity located below the right rib cage is home to numerous organs such as the gallbladder, liver, appendix, right section of the large bowel, right kidney, and right fallopian tube and right ovary in women. Problems in any of these main organs can result in dull pain under right rib cage. Causes of… Continue reading Dull Pain Under Right Rib Cage
Mononucleosis Rash
Mononucleosis, also known as mono, is one of the viral infections that lead to fever, throat problems such as sore throat, and swelling in the lymph glands, usually in the neck. It’s also called ‘glandular fever’. Mononucleosis usually occurs among young adults between the ages of 15 to 25. However the infection can take place… Continue reading Mononucleosis Rash