Keratosis pilaris is a common skin condition that is harmless but causes the skin to become rough and develop small acne-like bumps. This skin condition affects the arms, cheeks, thighs, and buttocks. There is no cure for this disorder but an individual can improve the rash by taking care of the skin and avoid using… Continue reading Keratosis Pilaris
Tag: causes
Spider Bites On Dogs
Spider bites on dogs are difficult to deal with. First of all, it’s almost impossible to know that a spider has bitten a dog unless the dog’s owner actually sees the spider on the dog, then finds a welt in the same spot. Dealing with spider bites on dogs can be quite tricky and in… Continue reading Spider Bites On Dogs
Petechiae on Legs
Petechiae are small round blotches appearing on skin. Petechiae are pinpoint and appear as spots on skin, and they may be reddish or purple in color. These spots are as a result of some minor hemorrhage. Petechiae may appear like some rash but they usually emerge in clusters. Petechiae spots may appear on skin especially… Continue reading Petechiae on Legs
Why Are My Eyes Bloodshot?
Bloodshot eyes refers to a condition in which there is redness of the whites of eyes. When the whites of eyes appear red, this is what is described as bloodshot eyes. A red eye may be alarming though it is not often a sign of a major condition. In most cases, it is just a… Continue reading Why Are My Eyes Bloodshot?