In your body, there are 4 abdominal muscles and of those 2 are the oblique muscles. These are divided into internal and external muscles. Obliques are the muscles, which help in many daily activities such as walking, sitting, and standing. The oblique muscles allow you to twist your trunk and bend sideways. They also take… Continue reading Oblique Muscle – Strain, Pain Causes
Tag: pain
Xipoid Process
In anatomical terms, a process refers to a projection or an outgrowth occurring from another body part. When you talk about xiphoid Process, it is a small bony or cartilaginous projection that emanates from the lowermost portion of breastbone or sternum. The xiphoid Process is also known as the xiphisternal bone or xiphisternum. The xiphisternum… Continue reading Xipoid Process
What is the Obturator nerve?
The obturator nerve is the biggest nerve in the front lumbar plexus, which is a group of nerves or a nerve network present in the lower back region. This cluster of nerves acts as a passageway for electrochemical signals that connect the brain to the abdomen, back, knees, and groin, and are regarded as constituents… Continue reading What is the Obturator nerve?
Obturator Internus
The obturator internus is the name of a fan-shaped muscle which commences near the obturator foramen on the pubis’ medial surface, features varied vital fascial connections, continues posterior-laterally, and connects to the femur’s greater trochanter’s inner surface. Along with 5 other muscles, the obturator internus is classified as the ‘deep six’ muscles that help externally… Continue reading Obturator Internus