The normal color of the tongue is reddish pink. A healthy tongue is almost smooth and a little velvety. However the color and texture changes depending on the overall health of a person, especially the oral health such as in infections the tongue can turn coarse and rough at times with tongue sores. The general… Continue reading Why is my Tongue Green?
Tag: tongue
Geographic Tongue
It is a painless and harmless condition affecting the tongue. Normally, the tongue consists of small finger like projections on its ventral surface, known as papillae. When a person suffers from this condition, the papillae of a particular area on the tongue disappear, and the area appears “bald” or flat. The borders of the area… Continue reading Geographic Tongue
Enlarged Papillae
Your tongue is responsible for all taste sensations. It helps you swallow and communicate. In your tongue, there are tiny structures sitting on the surface called papillae. Papillae have a role in taste of substances by the tongue. The papillae help determine whether a substance is salty, sweet, bitter, or sour. Papillae also help in… Continue reading Enlarged Papillae
Red Dots on Roof of Mouth
While some mouth sores and spots do appear outside the mouth like around the chin and lips, others can occur inside such as the gums, lips, tongue, and roof of mouth. Red dots occurring on the roof of a mouth may be caused by different things ranging from cold to petechiae. When you have red… Continue reading Red Dots on Roof of Mouth